Sunday, December 29, 2019

Gdp Of The Us, Eu28, Canada, And China - 1348 Words

Student: An Nguyen Dr: Konou ECON 602 McNeese State University I. GDP for the US, EU28, Canada, and China. 1. The USA Figure 1.1: GDP of USA from 1995 to 2014 The United States experienced a crisis in 2008, whereas incentive is the major problem (Kohn, 2009). Incentives make lenders ignore underwrite â€Å"because they did not intend to hold the loan themselves†. Furthermore, from the experience gathered by many years, the GDP increase gradually and show a good economic trend; those investors continually expect the increase in price. They couldn’t prepare and forecast for the market bubbles, so they purchased more. In the end because of market bubble that leads to the inability to repaid loan. Crisis was at peak in the period 2007-2008. GDP dropped tremendously. To resolve the crisis, many policies are created to â€Å"countering the tightening of financial conditions† (Kohn, 2009). They â€Å"lowered the interest rates, made backup sources of liquidity available to private lenders, and revive a variety of financial markets† (Kohn, 2009). These aimed to limit the ability of institutions that would pull back from lending and thus impede the decline in spending (Kohn, 2009). In short, observing the GDP from 2010 to 2015, we see the gradually increase and that marks the successful of applied policies during crisis. 2. EU28 Figure 1.2: GDP of EU28 from 1995 to 2014 The GDP graph of European describes the increase trends, however, there is some fluctuation which is notShow MoreRelatedChipotle Marketing Plan5991 Words   |  24 PagesCEO Steve Ellis opening the restaurant chain, he himself was a chef. Since its creation, Chipotle has become a phenomenon in the restaurant industry and has experienced tremendous growth since it went public in 2006 with over 1,600 restaurants in Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, and France, with the majority located in the United States (Chipotle Mexican Grill, 2015). . The company focus is on using high-quality raw ingredients, (Chipotle Mexican Grill, 2015). Using fresh ingredients is the groundwork

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Eco Friendly, Green, Earth, Dirt, Recycle, Reuse - 1715 Words

When you think about the word sustainable, what comes to mind? Eco friendly, green, Earth, dirt, recycle, reuse, reduce. It is a word that is being thrown out there a lot. But, what is it really? The real dictionary definition of sustainability is: capable of being sustained, of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged. In other words, and ones you will actually understand, to be sustainable means that you take out of a system the same amount of energy as you put in, with no pollution or waste. Or quite literally the ability to sustain. For example, if you take down a tree, you must make sure to plant one or even two in its place, and you must do it by†¦show more content†¦Just like any other sustainable company, for the ones in fashion it is nearly impossible to be truly sustainable. This is because the concept of fashion is one of change, and the process of constant change generally prod uce a lot of waste. Basically, this cycle is referring to the things in your closet that you only wore once and by the time you wanted to wear it again it was â€Å"out of style†, so you simply don’t wear it again and buy something that is â€Å"in style†. It’s ok, we are all guilty of this at one point. Many people have unfortunately moved more towards overconsumption and the desire to pay the least possible price for the most products. 2 You may be wondering how this whole sustainable fashion movement began. Well, many scholars believe that the sustainable fashion movement can be traced back to the 1960s and 1970s, in accord to rising concerns over the environment. This is a little scary is you think about it, because this means that people have been talking about it since the 60’s and it still, sustainability has not become a common practice in our day to day. But, designers today face problems that date back to at least the nineteenth century when machines were invented to create make textiles quickly but of poor quality. Mechanization and mass production was looked as something amazing and wonderful because it created more product in less time for less money but unfortunately itShow MoreRelatedWaste Disposal Is A Huge Concern For Our Planet Earth2654 Words   |  11 Pages Waste disposal is a huge concern for our planet earth. Seven billion people live on earth and every single one of us creates was te. A lot of people think that their responsibility is over once the garbage is in the garbage bin and the garbage workers take it away, but that is not true. There is so much more to the process of waste disposal. What is Waste and Waste Disposal? Waste is any material, thing or product that can no longer be used or has gone bad. Such material has to be disposedRead MoreGlobal Pollution4546 Words   |  19 Pageswaste materials to the site. Additional information on SWPSs can be found on the Sustainable Waste Management section of our website.  Our Regulatory Position Statement – Developments on Peat  Ã‚  (8.56mb) and Guidance on the Assessment of Peat Volumes, Reuse of Excavated Peat and Minimisation of Waste   (2.6MB) may also be of help.   This includes reference to guidance Developments on Peatland: Site Surveys and Best Practice  Ã‚  (96k). SEPA policy and guidance SEPA produces a series of Pollution PreventionRead MoreConcepts And Practices Of Sustainability And Green Architecture3239 Words   |  13 Pages 1. INTRODUCTION The activation of the application of the concepts and practices of sustainability and green architecture in the construction industry will lead to finding appropriate solutions to the problems of environmental, economic and functional. Green architecture and sustainable buildings is not a luxury academically, and do not approach the theory or the aspirations and dreams have no place in reality, but because they represent a global trend for the application and start to be professionalRead MoreSustainable Building Material...24522 Words   |  99 PagesGreen Building A Guide to Sustainable Building Materials and Methods in Santa Cruz County Funded through waste reduction grants from the City and County of Santa Cruz Departments of Public Works, and in cooperation with Ecology Action. Green Building: A Guide to Sustainable Building Materials and Methods in Santa Cruz County  © 2004, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz Principal Authors: Barry Hooper Karsten Mueller, Ecology Action Editor Kiosk/Graphic Designer: Jenny Shelton, Shelton Design

Friday, December 13, 2019

Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity Free Essays

string(31) " the transgression of the law\." INTRODUCTION Salvation is a common belief for many religions despite the difference in their Supreme Being or Beings, which they seek deliverance from. In this research, a comparison between how salvation is viewed by Christians and Hindus will be examined so a conclusion can be formed. What is Christianity? Christianity is God’s revelation of himself and purpose to mankind. We will write a custom essay sample on Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity or any similar topic only for you Order Now And his revelation was designed to bridge the gap between a rebellious world and a caring God. Christianity is found in most parts of the world, with in the region of one hundred million followers and could be the world’s largest religion. There are many branches of Christianity, namely Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant churches. There are many Protestant Churches called denominations. They include Lutheran, Baptists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Pentecostals and many others. Protestant churches stress the importance of reading and understanding the bible. The members of these de-nominations are called Christians. Christians are described as people who follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Christian teaching is written in the bible, which is divided into two parts called the Old and New Testaments. The bible is also used by Christians during worship, and it serves as a guideline on how to live their lives. Christian Beliefs Christians has many beliefs, some of which will be mentioned below. Christians believe that the universe was fashioned by God. According to the scriptures God created the heaven and earth in six days, and rested on the seventh day. They also believe that it is wrong to act against God’s laws, for example; killing and stealing. Any action against God’s law is referred to as a sin. The bible teaches that Jesus, who was without sin, came to earth and sacrificed his life for the sins of the world. Christians believe in life after death, because Jesus was raised from the dead. They also believed that Eternal Life is a gift from God. Christians believe that there will be a judgment, when Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Christians believe in a God who offers salvation to all who wish to take it. But there is a cost, and that is for people to accept God as rulers over their lives, their thoughts, motivations and actions. What Jesus’ Death on the Cross means to Christian The most commonly used Christian symbol is the cross. The cross is also important because his death on the cross mended the broken relationship between God and humanity. Christians used the word atonement to describe Jesus’ death on the cross. They also believed that Jesus redeemed mankind when he died on the cross. He paid the price for their sins. Jesus Christ died in our place, so that we will not suffer eternal death but become partakers of the life that he offers, we should have paid the penalty of eternal death ourselves since, we are the guilty ones. But the Saviour was willing to take our place. That was what happened at the cross. â€Å"The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was given to commemorate the great deliverance as a result of the death of Christ. The Lord’s Supper is the Christian’s Passover. The bread is a symbol of his broken body and the wine signifies his spilt blood which is shed for many for the remission of sins. In scripture Paul wrote â€Å"For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord’s death till he come’ (1 Cor. 11:26). It is God’s grace that will bring about the change we need in our daily lives which will enable us to do â€Å"good† works. This race is free. It cannot be earned. It is undeserved favour from God. Satan is real, the battle is real, and only at the Cross was he defeated and his destruction made certain. Christian ways of Salvation Chris Wright in his book Beliefs, Questions and Issues stated that Christians are sometimes described as people who follow the teachings and examples of Jesus Christ. They believed that by looking at Jesus, a person can see what God is like. Christians worship the Creator of heaven and earth the Father the son of God Jesus Christ, who is the Creator of all things. Most Christians believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, to judge the living and dead. They believe that through Jesus’ death on the cross, salvation became possible as his death on the cross mended the broken relationship between God and humanity. This relationship was broken when humanity rebelled through sin against God. According to Oxford School Dictionary and thesaurus, salvation is the act of saving from loss or damage. This is a general view of the term. In the religion Christianity, salvation is saving souls from sin and its consequences. Salvation is achievable by first accepting that a mistake was made and so the feeling of sorrow and guilt is experienced. This is the act of repentance, the sin is then confessed, and the act of forgiveness is desired. When this is done, the sinner’s desire is to forsake the sin. This is a combination of step two and three. The fourth step in the salvation process is justification. According to the book Growing in Christ, in justification the sinner is forgiven, acquitted of the charges of sin and reckoned righteousness. This act brings about the assurance of the believers acceptance. It also brings the joy of being united with God. † Sanctification is a result of true repentance and justification. The word sanctification means holiness or consecration which is a result of what God does in us. The blood of Christ for many Christians brings forth transformation. The believer becomes a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Why d o Christians need Salvation and how is it Achieved Christians need salvation because of sin, which is the transgression of the law. You read "Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity" in category "Papers" The sin problem refers to the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which brought to the earth the Great Controversary between good and evil. And it is God’s action to rescue his people from the destruction of sin, which brings about salvation. The consequence of sin is death. Human beings live their lives every day with the reality of sin and its effects. The effects of sin were so great that without a divine solution, there would be no solution. We should all be grateful that the solution was given. It is called â€Å"the plan of salvation† and its purpose is to solve the problem of sin Only through Jesus Christ can one experience salvation, â€Å"for there is no other name under heaven given among men which we must be saved† Acts 4:12. The experience of salvation involves repentance, confession, forgiveness, justification and sanctification. Sins have to be confessed and repented of before it can be forgiven. Sin does not only have to do with wrongfully committed acts. It also includes the desire and fantasizing about things that we know are wrong. There is also a category of sin that usually referred to as â€Å"sins of omission. This is the willful neglect of duty; a conscious refusal to do something one knows ought to be done. As sinners who have violated God’s law, we can do nothing to make ourselves right with God. The only way to save us was for Jesus to pay the penalty in our stead and then offer us the perfect righteousness, which we claim by faith. We cannot earn our salvation; it is a gift of grace. The Origin of Hinduism Hinduism has its r oot in the interrelationship of two basic religious systems of the ancient civilization residing in the Indus Valley from the third millennium B. C. nd the religious beliefs brought to India by the Aryan people who began infiltrating the Indus Valley sometime after 2000 B. C. Most Hindus believe in one supreme Spirit, Brahman which is unchanging and eternal. He is also described as â€Å"Ultimate Reality† and the ‘Absolute’. Hindus worship a total of three hundred and thirty three million deities. For Hindus, these gods and goddesses are different aspects of Brahman, however the trimurti which is made up of Braham, Vishnu, and Shiva. Together they represent and control creation, preservation and destruction. Hindu Beliefs For Hindus, death is not the end but merely the separation of the soul from the body. They believe that the body dies and the soul continues its eternal journey. Hindus believe in re-incarnation that the soul is re-embodied according to the law of Karma. The cycle of death and re-incarnation continues many times. Their ultimate goal is to attain moksha. Hindus cremate their dead, since they believe that this releases the soul to continue its journey. Hindus believe that every thought and action has consequences. This is the law of Karma. The goal of Hindus is to achieve moksha that is, to be free from that cycle. To achieve moksha, it is important to follow the right path in life. The right path is called yoga. There are many forms namely: karma yoga is doing service for humanity; raj yoga is practicing self-control and meditation; bhakti yoga is the path of loving devotion; and jnana yoga is the path of knowledge and understanding through study and discipline. Hindus practice the spiritual exercises of meditation and yoga as ways to help them centre their thoughts on God. Hindu ways of Salvation In the religion of Hinduism, there are four aims of life. They are Dharma – the aim to carry out ones duty, Artha – the aim to make an honest living, Kama – the aim to enjoy the pleasures of life and Moksha – the aim to become free from the cycle of rebirth. In Hinduism salvation is known as the fourth aim of life Moksha. Moksha is when an enlightened human being is freed from the cycle of life and death (the endless cycle of death and reincarnation) and comes into a state of completeness. He then becomes one with God. There are four ways to Moksha: The way of Action: This involves carrying our certain religious ceremonies, duties and rites. The objective is to perform works without regard for personal gain. The Way of Knowledge: This requires using your mind and philosophy to come to a complete comprehension of the universe The Way of Devotion: Salvation is reached through acts of worship, based upon the love for a God (there are thousands of gods in Hinduism). The Royal Road: The use of meditation and yoga techniques. This method of reaching salvation is typically only used by wondering monks. Each of these ways to salvation in Hinduism requires that a person do certain things. Salvation is through what a Hindu does. However, many Hindu believe that this salvation is only achievable by the caste system which is associated with reincarnation. According to Hindu teaching, there are four basic castes or social classes (and thousands of sub-groups within the castes). Each has its own rules and obligations pertaining to nearly all facet of life. At the top are the Brahmins or priests. Second in rank are the Kshatriyas or warriors and rulers. Third are the Vaisyas or merchants and farmers. Below these are the Shudras or laboring class. Salvation is possible only for the top three castes, which are called the â€Å"twice born. Outside the caste system are the untouchables or the outcastes. Though outlawed in India in the late 1940’s, many in the countryside are still considered outcastes. Conclusion Hindus are correct in their recognition that all is not right with the world and with human existence in it. They are correct as well in suggesting that the ultimate to the human dilemma is spiritual in nature. However, there is little common ground between Christianity and Hinduism. We will now look at a few more important areas. First Hinduism lacks any understanding that God created the world for a good purpose. Also lacking is a conception of God as infinitely holy and righteous and as the one to whom we as humans are accountable for the way we conduct our lives. Another area of contrast between Hinduism and Christianity is the conception of human nature and of the source of our estrangement from God. According to Hindu teaching, man is divine at the core of his being. He is one with God. According to the biblical teaching, however, the source of our alienation from God, is not ignorance of our divinity, but our sinful rebellion against God and his purpose for our lives. This now leads us to our final point—the way of salvation. According to most Hindu teaching, salvation from the cycle of reincarnation is achieved by our own efforts—whether through good works, meditation, or devotion to a deity. According to the Bible, however, our spiritual need is for deliverance from God’s judgment on our sin and for restoration to a life under his direction and care. This salvation can be provided only by God’s gracious and undeserved action in our behalf It is true that in certain Hindu groups there is a similar emphasis on God’s grace (probably as a result of past Christian influence). But even here, there is a major distinction. The Hindu teaching about grace sees no need for atonement for sin, but simply offers forgiveness without any satisfaction of the judgment on sin required by a holy God. In contrast, the Christian gospel is this: God the Son became human, died a sacrificial death on the cross, making real forgiveness of sins against the real God possible to those you place complete trust in Christ. All who do so can experience true forgiveness, know God and his purpose for their lives, and have the assurance of Eternal Life with Him. How to cite Salvation in Hinduism and Christianity, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Logo Write

Logo Write-up Essay s I had already decided on a name for my company, I decided that my company needed an emblem or a LOGO. This logo will be used as a letterhead and for marketing purposes, a symbol that will represent the company. I feel that a logo should either show the name of the company, or a company slogan and a picture that demonstrates the aim of the company. My company, Football Nation, is a sports company that sells Premier Division Football shirts. I feel that my logo must tell people what type of company it is, and the name of my company. My company is a sports company mainly appealing to the youth of the nation. The company name, Football Nation, indicates that we as a country are obviously predominately a football nation. It tells people who do not currently reside in the country that they can buy English football products. As football can be very exciting at times, the logo for my company should maybe represent the flare and enjoyment that the game brings to us. I feel that either a football or a football shirt should appear in the logo. I have researched some logos of other sports companies to see how they present their company. Here is the logo for the huge sports company JJB: As you can see the logo says the name of the company in big bold letters. There is no need for a picture or any fancy logos. The logo is simple and effective. The name of the company does all the work. It is colourful and grabs your attention. Here is the logo for the biggest international sports company in the world, Nike. The Nike logo is a simple tick. Their slogan is Just Do It. The tick reinforces the slogan but it is very simple. It is traditional and simple, and makes the point You can do it. The tick is traditional and has been the logo for Nike since the start of the company. This is the logo for the sports company Adidas. Adidas sells all sports equipment. The logo is very simple and does not show that the club is a sports company. It doesnt appeal to any particular audience. The logos for the companies that I have researched are all very simple and do not convey any particular message or appeal to any particular audience. However, these companies are already recognised companies that have been around for years. They don not need any special logos because their names are known internationally. The first logo that I designed is a simple logo with the name of my company and a football next to it. It tells a person that my company is a football company because not only is the name of my company on the logo but there is a football. I created the logo on Adobe PhotoShop. It is a new program to me, as I havent used it before. It was fairly easy to pick up however. I typed the two words separately so that I could move them easily to where I wanted them to be. Then I went to clip art gallery in word, and copied the picture into PhotoShop. I could now move the words and the picture of the ball wherever I wanted. It was a very easy logo to make. I decided that the first logo that I designed did not need to be very colourful or intricate and hard to make. This was because, after looking at the logos of other companies I did not think that extravagance was necessary. The second logo that I designed was also simple, and easy to make. I have used the same football that I used in the previous logo. Football Nation is written on the front of the ball in red letters. Once again I have opted for a logo that tells people the name of my company. After using PhotoShop for my first idea I felt that it would be suitable to use it to design my second logo. Also, after designing the first logo I felt confident that I could use PhotoShop to good effect. To make this logo I had to copy and paste the football from the clip art gallery into PhotoShop. .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .postImageUrl , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:hover , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:visited , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:active { border:0!important; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:active , .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6 .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u42de602ff9149c7299bcc0133c50a8a6:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: El Greco"s Burial Of Count EssayOnce the football was placed into PhotoShop, the image had to be resized because it was too small. Afterwards I had to create the words. I typed the words together this time, not as two separate word designs. In the word design box I had to change the size of the font as it was too small. I felt that black lettering, on a black and white football would not stand out very much. Hence, the reason for using red text. Red is a fiery and angry colour. Football can sometimes be that way, especially in the Premier League.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Environmental Studies and Forestry Term Paper How to Write a Winning Paper

Environmental Studies and Forestry Term Paper How to Write a Winning Paper Throughout the semester (or a specific control period), you wrote a variety of intermediate essays regularly. Systematic is the fact that you have to write the term paper on the basis of all the work done. This process seems tricky due to the fact that you need to combine all the studied materials in one paper and draw the right conclusions. Nevertheless, if this process is done according to the instructions and recommendations described below, then the term paper will be made as soon as possible, and the process of writing it will bring you pleasure. In addition, you already have all the necessary materials because you wrote intermediate essays, and now your actions are reduced to a consistent and accurate systematization of existing knowledge. Follow the instructions given below, and you will succeed! What Is an Environmental Studies and Forestry Term Paper? An environmental study and forestry term paper is a qualification written assignment that students of colleges and universities perform during each control period of their studies to acquaint themselves with the issues of the chosen specialty better. In the course of its implementation, the author of the term paper masters the norms of conducting research activities in the context of environmental studies and forestry, and learns to sort and analyze the material, conduct independent research, and then present and formalize it correctly and systematically to demonstrate the results of his/her work clearly and convincingly. The basic principle of writing the term essay is the following: a clear interconnection of the topic, the purpose, the subject and the object of research throughout the paper. So, the goal of writing the environmental studies and forestry term paper lies in the students consolidation of the knowledge gained in the course of the learning process, according to the course taken. Thanks to this paper, it is easier for the professor to assess the quality of knowledge obtained by the student, and his/her ability to apply it to solve professional problems. However, the most important point is the fact that you get invaluable experience and improve your existing skills while writing your term paper. There is a chance that you will want to explore the chosen topic in the future or take it as a basis for your dissertation. Perhaps, this paper will become the beginning of a new path, in which you will collect new knowledge by grains and bring it to perfection, and then it will give great benefits in the field of environmental studies and forestry in the future. So, why the term paper is necessary? It helps to consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained; The environmental studies and forestry term paper teaches to work with research and scientific literature, as well as boosts information search skills; It forms analytical and mental skills, as well as the ability to overcome barriers and solve complex problems; The term paper allows drawing conclusions on the materials studied. Tips from Our Writers on How to Take Preliminary Notes An integral part of writing the term paper (and of student activity in general) is the systematic taking of preliminary notes. Probably, many of you will wonder why you need to make additional notes if there are lectures available. However, they are necessary indeed. During the lectures, you record all the information that the professor provides. It is undoubtedly necessary, but they often do not provide the kind of assistance that preliminary notes can give for further work. Their meaning is to write down the main key points of the topic studied briefly, as well as to add one’s thoughts to this information. So, the usefulness of preliminary notes comes down to the following: With the help of preliminary notes, you can always remember all the material that you learned, even if it was given six months or a year ago. Preliminary notes do not take up much space but focus the students attention on the main issues of the topic under study. For example, you write a long lecture on the rational use of forest resources. It includes a lot of material that probably does not come in handy for you in your environmental studies and forestry term paper. However, during the lectures, you point out the key points in parallel: the relevance of reforestation, ways to increase the productivity of forests, the optimal methods of forest restoration, and so on. After a certain period, you will open your preliminary notes and recall all the material by focusing on the control points only. In the preliminary notes, you can immediately draw conclusions on the topic covered. That is, after studying the material, you can note to yourself what seems important, what you should examine more deeply, and what you can say on the topic studied as a whole. All these notes will help you formulate your thoughts properly while writing your term paper. With the help of preliminary notes, you can create a universal work journal, in which each topic will be recorded separately. For example, you can divide a notebook into separate areas. Subsequently, during the study of each new topic, you can make notes in those categories that match the material most closely. For example, there may be such sections as environmental aspects of forestry, forest resources, environmental norms and policies, and so on. When writing your environmental studies and forestry term paper, as well as subsequent works, including research, intermediate, or even dissertation papers, you will have the key points of each topic in sections. This will help you to navigate the information. Advice and recommendations: Do not skip taking notes, make them regularly; The notes should be short and should not take up much of your time; Include topics that interest you, and your thoughts about them in the notes. Selecting a Topic for the Environmental Studies and Forestry Term Paper There are times when instructors assign complex term paper topics. Chances are the topics they choose are real puzzles for students. However, if the choice is left to the student, then he/she should remember that the ideal option would be a term paper that unites or indirectly affects all topics studied during the reporting period. An important role in this process also belongs to intermediate essays that can be involved in the creation of the environmental studies and forestry term paper. So, if you have to choose a topic, you should follow these recommendations: View lecture materials on the topics covered. Preliminary records will also be of great support; With the help of preliminary notes, identify the key points to focus on; Consult your instructor. Probably, he/she will tell you interesting and narrow directions for the chosen topic and help you to find suitable literature for this case. The result of your choice should be a narrow topic that covers the key points of the material you have grasped and, importantly, is really interesting to you. Examples of Choosing a Topic: For example, during the academic year (month, reporting period), you learned the following topics: Ecology and Ecological Balance; Forest Resources and Their Use; Ecological Problems of the Environment; Classification and Types of Forests; Rational Nature Management; Protection and Restoration of Forestry. Moreover, in your preliminary notes, you marked the following areas of your interest: The role of artificial forest reserves; Ecological sources of renewable energy; Production, consumption, and disposal of forest resources. In this regard, the combined topic of your environmental studies and forestry term paper can be the following: The Role of Forest Reserves in Maintenance of Environmental Processes. The Key Points of an Environmental Studies and Forestry Term Paper In your environmental studies and forestry term paper, the following items must be present: The introduction to the topic. In this section, you must indicate the topic that got you interested and draw readers attention to it. For these purposes, you may describe its relevance or problems, briefly outline its main characteristics or key points, and explain why it is important for research. To add more, while writing intermediate works, you probably already drew some global conclusions concerning the topic that interested you. It is necessary to create a thesis or hypothesis that you will develop throughout the process of writing. However, the thesis statement itself is indicated in the first, introductory part. For example, presumably, forest reserves can become a universal tool for restoring the ecological balance of the environment. Description and analysis of the work done. In this section, you should briefly describe all the work that you have done throughout your study of the material related to environmental studies and forestry. For these purposes, you will need your preliminary notes. After reviewing them, you can tell what you wrote and studied, what attracted your attention, and how it can be used in the topic chosen by you. This item must also indicate the results of the completed assignments, especially if they included field or practical studies, interviews, surveys, and so on. Each key point of this stage should be supported by strong arguments and evidence, for which you can use both your observations and opinions of authoritative authors. The structure of this part should imply a division into several paragraphs, each directly or indirectly relevant to the stated thesis and confirms (or refutes) it. The result of this section should be the final conclusion for all the work done. The experience gained/reflection. This item is also necessary for the environmental studies and forestry term paper, as it shows what conclusions you have made from the tasks performed and what experience you have gained. The ideal option is a brief description of each assignment that you have completed during the reference period, and your reflection on its usefulness, relevance, and appropriateness. Plus, in this section, you should describe what skills you have gained while working on the term paper, and how they may be useful to you in the future. Additional items of the project can be the following: Restrictions and barriers. At this section, you should describe what shortcomings you see in your completed assignments, what they are related to, and how they might be hypothetically prevented. Besides, it is necessary to indicate what difficulties you encountered and the ways to overcome them. Directions for future research. At this point, preliminary notes will help you as well. Here, you can describe your interest and suggestions that will affect your future work. You can identify the topics that should be developed first, and that will contribute to the field of environmental studies and forestry. Writing and Post-Writing Tips Plan. To ease the writing process and follow its phases strictly, you should make the paper outline before you start writing. The main point is to set the logic of presentation. This is required to reveal the stages of achieving the research goal, to demonstrate the movement from the academic positions’ analysis to the pragmatic consideration of the topic aspects and summarizing the results. The detailed text is not required. The presentation of the key points and structuring the main items will do. Recommendations for writing the environmental studies and forestry term paper: The topic of the term paper must necessarily concern the discipline under study; The topic should serve as a tool for deepening the knowledge gained; The presence of arguments and evidence is mandatory; Check the paper for errors (grammatical, spelling, and so on). So, this instruction will serve as a good support for writing a high-quality term paper!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Information Systems Analysis (case study analysis) Essay

Information Systems Analysis (case study analysis) - Essay Example Furthermore, the new automated system called Equipment Check-Out System (ECS) will help the Maintenance Department improve their services to the maintenance personnel as well as create timely reports and analytics required by management. The purpose of this baseline project plan report is to evaluate the needs of GB Manufacturing in the development of an Equipment Check-Out System (ECS) and determine the feasibility of integrating and implementing such system into their business processes. This project plan shall serve as a resolution to management and shall also serve as a guide to the ECS development team. The report is a preliminary investigation of developing the Equipment Check-Out System into the business processes of GB Manufacturing, specifically the Maintenance Department Equipment Depot Section. This project plan covers the identified problems, opportunities, management directives and recommendations. The baseline project plan report is written in three sections. First section is an investigation on the needs in developing a system that manages equipment check-in and check-out. Second section is the evaluation of the feasibility of developing an ECS. The last section is focused on the project management issues and proposed development methodologies. The equipment depot operation in the Maintenance Department of GB Manufacturing is experiencing several problems in terms of lost and stolen equipments. It is the primary function of the equipment depot to provide the necessary equipments required by the maintenance employees. However, the estimated amount of lost and stolen equipments exceed $50,000 worth of tools each year. In order to address the alarming issue of losses, the management and the Maintenance Department has two options. First alternative involves the improvement the existing manual

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Penal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Penal Law - Essay Example First, a criminally implied act or intent has to be proven in order to be dignified as a crime. This is especially true in a case, such as the current one, when juveniles are involved (Hall & Merrill 1960, p.1). Penal theory is what defines an action of being intentionally criminal or whether it is just a horrible accident, resulting from reckless, and unabashed behavior. This type of negligent behavior though, is what normally leads to the cause of the victim getting hurt or killed, due to the other progressive factors involved (Hall & Merrill 1960, p.1). For example, according to the Criminal Law Handbook (2005), there is exploration into the view of 'Unintentional vs. Intentional Conduct'. In this debatable theory of Criminal Law, consideration is given to the possibility that perhaps the offender (which would be Ian) misperceived Fred's' intentions and reacted out of a judgment he made that was false. Therefore, because of the offenders' lack of perception, maybe he should not be charged with a crime at all because he made a mistake. Upon further theorizing, it is found this theory just might have worked for Ian except for the fact that his actions were premeditated and calculated; therefore he would not stand a chance in utilizing this cause and effect theory in a court of law. Often enough offenders' intentions in the crime are normally how they are handed down their punishment in the judici

Monday, November 18, 2019

A critical response to the Marketing Myopia article Assignment - 1

A critical response to the Marketing Myopia article - Assignment Example Therefore, fulfilling the needs of customers translate to intense buying and selling products. Additionally, customers often feel comfortable to buying or engage in business with institutions that fulfill their business needs. Therefore, Theodore Levitt’s article â€Å"Marketing Myopia† is a platform that provides the management of businesses with understanding why and how to improve the productivity of businesses and the real needs of customers towards this growth. Levitt is advising the marketers to focus further on the market that shall modify products and companies instead of focusing on their own companies. Modifying products ensures that these products increase value thereby catering for the changing demands of customers and the business community. According to Levitt, first priority should be directed to the market, which is the customer. To emphasize on his new marketing myopia, Levitt uses numerous business institution (Levitt, 2004). For example, Levitt  focuses on the business productivity on Hollywood and in the same concern he possess a question â€Å"if Hollywood was into television rather than movies, wouldn’t it have profited more?† The ideals presented or posted by this question are actually true. Most of the Hollywood crowd usually concentrated in making movies than in money. In the real sense, there is much money in the television than in movie making. Through this question, Levitt is challenging business to c heck and if possible to change their strategies. Notably, if Hollywood could have thought of the television market, it would have made more money that what they currently make (Levitt, 2004). With Hollywood and Sony among other television channels, Levitt introduces new marketing idea termed as the marketing myopia theory. The myopia marketing theory concentrates on marketing strategies where companies are not only needed to be product oriented and technically sound, but the theory also needs

Friday, November 15, 2019

Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay

Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay In Vietnam, English is considered the most important foreign language, which is taught as one of the main subjects in schools as well as in universities and is also used the most in communication among other foreign languages. According to the Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics, English is used as a foreign language or a second language to communicate with foreigners who speak the English language in non-English speaking countries. The English teaching and learning at Thuong Tin High School is not very significant in terms of the students achievement. Especially, the big concern is for English vocabulary retention. At the end of the first term 2009 2010 only about 50% of the students got an average of 5 and 6, and only 8% got 7 or 8 and the rest got 3 or 4 in the English oral test in the 2009 State First Term Examination. These figures have made the teachers of English in TT High School feel worried, they need to consider the serious problem carefully and find out the best methods to improve the situation quickly. This poor achievement is not new but has lasted for years, and there have been many things done about it but the situation has not improved. Students have been given extra lessons so that they have more time to practice their English, especially English speaking lessons, they have been helped a lot with revision before every test. They have even been provided with well-prepared hand-outs of the points on which they are going to be tested and told what to learn to do the tests well. In spite of what they have been informed and reminded of, unexpected things have still occurred, students have not improved their achievement, and the fact that most students were not very proficient in speaking and writing tests which were shown on the report of first term. To find out which factors are important in language learning, it is necessary to have a close look at social factors as well as a number of psychological dimensions of difference. Attitudes and motivation, self-confidence, intelligence, language aptitude, and language learning strategies have also been found to have an effect on language learners success in their language learning (Gardner, 2001). The research project took place at Thuong Tin High School located in Thuong Tin, a town about 30 kilometres from Ha Noi Capital and has been developing very fast. The people have become richer and a large number of families have invested money in after school activities and private tutoring for their children in English and other core subjects. If students and learners have an excellent level of English, they will gain acceptance to higher schools of learning and better-paid jobs. English is an important and compulsory subject at almost every school in Vietnam. Thus, usually students have to learn English for at least 7 years, from grade 6 to grade 12. In many schools in cities children start learning English in grade 3. There is even a trend to learn English before elementary school as their parents believe that the English language is a useful investment for their childrens future. Most jobs now require the applicants to have knowledge of English language at certain levels. Though English is taught from grade 3 in primary schools, most high school students are difficult to read an English paragraph fluently, talk to each other in English as a conversation, listen to a short introduction on television or write a letter or even a paragraph of description in English well. The issue that why most TTHS students have still had low results on speaking and writing tests though they have been helped a lot before tests, and what possible solutions could be found. The TTHS teachers have had a serious discussion and come to conclusion that most TTHS students have low English vocabulary retention and this has great influence on their speaking and writing tests. Students can not speak, listen, read and write English if they do not have enough necessary English vocabulary. But what we, teachers, have to do to help our students improve their English vocabulary. More things must be done to change the situation for the better, and the concerns were carried out, such as; motivation, methods of teaching and learning, environment of teaching and learning, materials and inclusive of Visual Aids. The defined solution for this issue was that Using Visual Aids to help students improve English vocabulary retention, because the teachers believed that there is no ways of lear ning vocabulary better than seeing the real things or illustrated things. Most teachers of English agree that it is difficult for them to have successful lessons on vocabulary or communication without visual aids and students will not be easy to understand and practice if they do not have certain visual aids for every task because students do not have enough necessary vocabulary to practice. The purpose of this research is to determine using Visual Aids helps TTHS students improve English vocabulary and the effects that visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students. Research questions: How do VISUAL AIDS help students improve English vocabulary retention? What effects do visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students? LITERATURE REVIEW Visual aids Brown (1973:1) emphasizes that using variety of media, visual aids, will increase the probability that the students will learn more, retain better what they learn and improve their performance of the skills they are expected to develop. Moreover, Finocchiaro (1974:63) states that the students will understand and retain better when they have been shown or taught some objects that associate with it. Educational professionals have acknowledged the fact that students who struggle in reading comprehension because they may lack the ability to comprehend words. Joseph (2006) realised, there are several approaches to teaching word-reading skills but few incorporate systematic procedures that facilitate mastery, build fluency and lead to retention of skills for struggling readers(p.803). Students who struggle in acquisition skills need specific interventions to increase their reading level and word knowledge. These interventions should be ongoing and occur early in the learning process in order to ease the cognitive load at the students current reading level and for the next grade level. Using visual aids to enhance English vocabulary and vocabulary retention is a strategy that has been researched and implemented into TTHS English classromms. With the use of visual aids, such as; authentic materials or illustrated things, students could increase their English vocabulary retention as well as they can base on their vocabulary to improve their speaking, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Joseph (2006) confirmed that students tend to be more motivated and choose to complete assignments and tasks that contain some items that are known to them and that appear to demand lower level of effort because they feel confident about their ability to complete such tasks. If implemented properly, visual aids, which are authentic materials or illustrated things, can make ongoing deffernces in students ability to read with confidence independently and continually. It is the consistency of vocabulary interventions that allows the struggling students to see the vocabulary terms within the reading passage if they are to expand their knowledge of the vocabulary term. This can make the difference in their proficiency of languag e acquisition Dave (1975: 10-11) also proposes some of the visual aids as follows: Real things and toys with different sorts, sizes and colors are useful to draw students interest. Real things can be presented to students by means of field trip or bringing the object to the class for direct observation. Chalkboard or blackboard are certain to be the most useful teaching aids, used in the class. They have the advantage of providing points of attention for the class and they can be used for many purposes. Pictures are flashed for a brief moment, therfore, the pictures should be simple and big enough to be seen clearly by every student in the class. Wall charts or wall pictures are big papers with some pictures and words, useful for presenting vocabulary to the class. From the explanation above, not all of media can be applied in the classroom; the teachers have to select the appropriate media that directly related to the learning process. Vocabulary assessments should also be used for a precursor to evaluate students comprehension. Johnston (1997) pointed that as childen spend more and more time reading and writing, many routines and common patterns become automatic, picking up speed and actually going through a different part of the brain, no longer involving conscious efforts (p 145). This is an important factor if students are to become independent of the classroom teacher. It is important to increase students toolbox of vocabulary strategies. According to Haycraft (1983: 102) teaching aids can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing structure and word order or for variety of games. Besides, teaching aids can also give a great help to the teacher in the class. A learner cannot always successfully learn English just by listening to the explanation from the teacher. Visual aids help teacher give more emphasis on pronunciation of the words, utterances and incorrect written of words. Moreover, in vocabulary class, the learners are encouraged to give their opinions about the visual aids that are presented by the teacher, thus the learners can be more active in teaching-learning process. Visual aids are also very useful to train the students to speak and memorize the words automatically. Visual aids, especially pictures are very useful in teaching vocabulary to encourage and motivate the students to learn the language. As stated by Coppen (1969: 88) pictures are parts of visual aids.The purpose of picture is to provide a stimulus which will elicit a particular response from the learner. The picture represents some action and in order to learn the appropriate words to describe the action itself must not be in question. Pictures are parts of visual aids. They may be used in teaching the elementary school students to avoid boredom. Brown (1973: 410) states some functions of pictures as follows: Media are used to teach the students to learn effectively. Pictures help the students read the books and eventually interpret and memorize words. Edmund Fason (1959: 416) states that teaching-learning process with pictures will get succeed if the pictures are related to the material of the study, pictures should be coloured and varied, colourful pictures intensify the students imagination. Using visual aids can give a great help to the teacher in the class. The students will not always be successful in learning English just by listening to the explanation from the teacher or by reading many books. Using visual aids in vocabulary class encourage the students to give their opinions about the presented pictures. The teacher can make them more active during the teaching-learning process. Moreover, flashing visual aids for a short time is very useful for the students to speak and memorize the words automatically. Retention Retention should be a requirement for the acquisition of vocabulary terms. Joseph (2008) makes these recommendations, in specific environmental conditions, words that were taught were considered learned when they were read correctly on next-day retention probes. Words that were not read correctly on next-day retention probes were not considered learned. Previously taught but unlearned words were retaught with the same instructional condition until they were read correctly on next-day retention probes (p 298). This would be a good procedure to follow if learners are to highten their retention of vocabulary terms. These retention probes were designed to measure students vocabulary acquisition. Retention probes were always administered the day immediately following the instructional condition and before another round of instructional conditions bagan. Each retention probe consisted of all the visual aids of unknown words that were taught in the previuos daily sessons. The visual aids we re exchanged and presented as one group of words to the students. Reiser and Dempsey (2007) states, maximizing learning with rich media involves two memories systems; working memory and long term memory that shapes human learning (p314). METHODOLOGY Subjects This research study took place in Thuong Tin High School in Thuong Tin town, 30 kilometres away from the centre of Ha Noi Capital. The subjects involved in this research were 40 students, they were in two different classes 12A2 and 12A3 (aged 16-18). They were randomly selected to put into two groups: 20 students in the control group (12A2) and 20 other students in the experimental group (12A3) (This means that the class 12A2 has 20 participants who belong to the control group, and the class 12A3 has 20 participants who belong to the experimental group). All of them are grade-12 students in the school year 2009 2010 and go to school everyday from Monday to Saturday. They have 3 English periods every week, each period lasts 45 minutes. The experiment lasted one month. After forming two groups, a test was given to students to check their English vocabulary so that the researcher could ensure students in two groups had the English vocabulary equivalence (Appendice 2). Instruments. Many visual aids were used when conducting this research, this was done by using pictures, real things and illustrated things. To make clear the research question, these following types of data were collected: surveys, pre-tests and post-tests, interviews, observations, and test scores. A survey was given at the beginning of the study to determine if the students enjoyed learning English and their attitudes to the instructional style of the class (Appendice 1). This helped me understand students perception of the class and if any changes, other than those used during the study, needed to be made to maximize the students academic performance. A Pre-test and Post-test were used before and after the research to find out the difference between the pre-test results and post-test results in order to know whether studentsvocabulary retention has been improved (Appendice 3A, 3B). Observations and test scores were also used as measurement tools. In order to take notes and determine the participation and attitudes of the students, observations were used daily. Did the students respond differently to the various visual aids? Were the students on task during a certain visual strategy? Did the students enjoy some visual strategies over others? Observing also made it possible to determine if outside variables affected the students test scores. Were the students having a stressful day? Did the students just come back to school from a holiday break? To determine if the use of visuals affected test scores, test scores during the four week study were compared with those from the previous four weeks. At the end of the study, the answers to the questions must be found; Why do TTHS students speak, listen to, read and write English so badly? How do visual aids help them improve their English vocabulary retention? Which effects do the visual teaching strategies have on the academic achievement of TTHS students? Design and Methods of Data Collection When implementing the experiment, the researcher used different visual aids in lessons, for example; pictures, real things and illustrated things were utilized alternatively so that students could understand the mentioned words and memorize them more effectively. Interviews were done before and after the research in order to know whether students were interested in the experiment, how they behaved during the research and what they achieved after the research. Observation was implemented in the process of research, this helped the researcher know that all the students in the experimental group took part in the experiment regularly. Test scores were done after the experiment finished, the test scores were collected from the pre-test results and the post-test results to show the improvement and difference of using visual aids in teaching and learning English vocabulary. Teaching activities that used visual aids were provided to the experimental group students in the class 12A3 in all the lessons; listening, speaking, reading and writing lessons every week. RESULTS Survey Results. The survey that was given to the two English classes included five questions and five answers, numbers 1-5 (Appendice 1). When asked students the five questions, the researcher found that there was a big difference about students attitude to learning English, and learning English vocabulary with the help of visual aids before and after the experiment. The result was compared in the Pre and Post-survey (Appendice 1). Questions Answers Before the experiment (n=students) After the experiment (n=students) 1. Do you enjoy learning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do not like learning English, why? Because : Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of visual aids 46 62 3. Would you like to learn English vocabulary by watching visual aids, such as; pictures, real things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Do you think you will improve your English vocabulary better by looking at the visual aids when you are discussing a topic? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should visual aids be used and taught regularly and variously in classes Yes 48 66 No 32 14 There were several tests (a sample test in appendice 2) given to students in the both groups to ensure that the students in the experimental group was equivalent with students in the control group about the English vocabulary before the experiment. Groups Percentage of words that recalled and written down before the experiment 0 20% 30 50% 50 70% 80 100% Control group (n=20) 2 8 7 3 Experimental Group (n=20) 3 9 6 2 Interview Results In each group, 5 students were randomly invited to interview before and after the experiment. They were asked to give answers to 3 questions (Appendice 4). The 5 students in the experimental group produced the same words as the 5 students in the control group before the experiment but the experimental students produced more words than the control students after the ezperiment. a. An interview before the experiment b. An interview after the experiment. Tests Results Pre-tests: Groups Number of words 10 40 40 70 70 -100 Control (n=students) 8 9 3 Experimental (n-students) 7 10 4 Pots-tests Groups Number of words (n=100 words) 10 40 40 70 70 -100 Control (n=students) 5 10 5 Experimental (n-students) 2 11 7 From the results of the post-tests, it was easy to find that if students were provided with visual aids in their lessons. They could increase their vocabulary much better. Before the experiment, the two groups were equivalent in their vocabulary, but there was a big gap between the control group and experimental group after the experiment. The experimental group increased their vocabulary a lot more than they were before. However, the control group did not improve their vocabulary a lot. Questionnaire Results After the study time, the 20 students in the experimental group were given a five question interview about their feelings towards the class. The answers were categorized as either being agreement and disagreement and compared with the results before the experiment.. Comparison of Agreement and Disagreement Responses from the Interview QUESTIONS Answers from Ex-group (n=students) YES NO Before After Before After 1) Do you like the English class? 8 15 12 5 2) Do you enjoy learning with visual aids 12 17 7 3 3) Do you think the visual aids are helping you? 10 14 10 6 4) Do you want to have visual aids in future lessons? 11 16 9 4 5) Are you motivated with and interested in learning English vocabulary with visual aids? 10 18 10 2 Discussion The objective of my research was to find out how visual aids help students improve their English vocabulary and to discover if visual learning strategies have an effect on ESL academic achievement in a high school English classroom. The main findings of this research show that there is a positive correlation between the use of visual aids and the results when using surveys, interviews, observations, and test score comparison Comparison of Averages from the Control and Study Periods According to Dong (2002), he found that when teachers use visuals, the students ask more questions. During the study period, I observed that the students in the experiment asked more questions than the control group. The students were interested in the visual aids and always asked questions to clarify their misunderstanding. CONCLUSION This research indicates that students may learn in many different ways and teachers should do many things possible to support and to meet the needs of all students. Visual aids can break the language barrier that separates students from teachers. Pictures, ral things or illustrated things always helped to explain both special and common English words fully. For example, the word fire an employee was given to students in a question on a test, but none of the students in the class knew what that word meant and trying to explain it did not help either. The meaning of the word was then made clear when I made a picture on the board. This research would recommend that teachers use as many visual aids as possible in their classroom. This research also shows that visual aids can increase students English vocabulary and improve their vocabulary retention. The most useful and popular visual aids were introduced in class were pictures, illustrated things, such as; toys or model forms. For example, during the unit on cars, it was so easy for students to guess and to know the parts of a car when they saw pictures of car parts or a toy car. My research had a positive impact on student learning, English is quite a difficult subject with lots of vocabulary and visuals are the best way to learn those words. There are also a lot of topics that have to be covered in an English class. Visuals, especially pictures, are a great way to show students the overall concept and the minute details of a topic. The students in my English class have learnt and improved their vocabulary a lot when I applied the visual aids in the class. As already mentioned, pictures were the most popular and effective. There was a purpose behind each and every visual. I carefully planned out how I would do and explain each visual so that students could performed well. REFERENCES Collier, V. P. (1992). A synthesis of studies examining long-term language minority student data on academic achievement. Bilingual Research Journal, 16 (1-2), 187-212. Dong, Y. R. (2002). Integrating language and content: Education and Bilingualism, 5 (2), 40-57. Duran, B. J., Dugan, T., Weffer, R. (1998). Language minority students in high school Hamblen, K. A. (1993). Theories and research that support art instruction for instrumental outcomes. Theory into Practice, 3 (4), 191-198. Mayer, R. E. (1989). Models for understanding. Review of Educational Research, 59 (1), 43-64. Gardner, R.C. (1985), Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The role of attitudes and motivation, London: Edward Arnold Gardner, R. C. 2001. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher.Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, Volume 6,  Number 1,  Fall 2001. Joseph, L. (2006, May). Incremental rehearsal: A flashcard drill technique for increasing retention of reading words. International Reading Association, 51 (1), 90-92. Petrie, G. M. (2003). ESL teachers views on visual language: A grounded theory. The Reading Matrix, 3 (3), 137-168. Tan, A., Nicholson, T. (1997, June). Training poor readers to read words faster improve their comprehension of vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(2), 276. Appendice 1 Survey The servey was given to 2 classes (each class consists of 40 students). Questions Answer Before the experiment (n=students) After the experiment (n=students) 1. Do you enjoy learning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do not like learning English, why? Because : Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of visual aids 46 62 3. Would you like to learn English vocabulary by watching visual aids, such as; pictures, real things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Do you think you will improve your English vocabulary better by looking at the visual aids when you are discussing a topic? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should visual aids be used and taught regularly and variously in classes Yes 48 66 No 32 14

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Captain John Smith Is Successful Than John Rolfe :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Captain John smith was more important to the success of Virginia by 1630 then John Rolfe.. Like many famous heroes, John Smith was feisty, abrasive, self-promoting, and ambitious. He was an experienced soldier and adventurer, the man who boldly went out and got things done. If not for him, the colony may have failed at the start.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Rolfe is best successful for having introduced tobacco as a commercial crop to Virginia colonists. The production of this valuable commodity shaped the future development of the colony and provided an economic incentive for future expansion and settlement of the New World. Rolfe is best remembered of his marriage to Pocahontas. This marriage brought a much-need period of peace between the Indian and the colonists until Powhatan’s death. But John Smith was more successful then John Rolfe because of the myths he himself created. Smith promoted the Virginia company’s interests in the New World and he provided the leadership necessary to save the colonists during the early years of the settlement. Although many of his narratives seem boastful and swashbuckling, his accounts were intended to lure adventurous new settlers to Virginia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the colonist suffered harsh winter, lack of fresh water, and the spread of disease made in Jamestown difficult for the settlers. Attacks by the native Indians, hoping that the settlers would give up and leave, raided their camps, stealing pistols, gunpowder, and other necessary supplies. Captain John Smith stepped forward as the leader of the colony when it became apparent that the council of seven was ineffective. He led expeditions into the interior and traded with the Indians for corn. In 1607, Smith and several other colonists left the fort to explore the local area. Unfortunately they ran into an Indian hunting party and were promptly captured by the Indians. Smith was treated kindly and a great feast was prepared in his honor. When Smith was not well received in Jamestown, Captain Christopher Newport and Gabriel Archer had assumed leadership during Smith’s absence and the colonists still suffered from a lack of food and proper shelter. Smith soon escaped from the tension of the fort and proceeded to explore the Potomac and Rappahannock rivers and the Chesapeake Bay during the summer of 1608. His explorations of Virginia were later complied in his Map of Virginia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Due to bed government, Smith was eventually elected president of the local council in September 1608.